Published: July 1, 2022
What is a pulse oximeter?
Pulse oximeter is a device that measures blood oxygen levels (oxygen saturation) by estimating the percentage of oxygen combines with hemoglobin in the blood. It is light-weight, portable, non-invasive and easy-to-use. Just simply clip it onto your finger, it will give accurate readings of oxygen level and heart rate.
Pulse oximeter is not just vastly used in medical setting, recently it is used by athletes as well. Whether it is used for altitude training or monitoring athlete’s recovery. The pulse oximeter can give you an interpretation of body’s ability to process oxygen, which is a key factor in performance for your training.
To learn more about application of pulse oximeter in athlete’s recovery and Altitude Acclimatization please refer to the website below.
Why a Pulse Oximeter Could Be Your New Favorite Training Gadget
Why a Pulse Oximeter Could Be Your New Favorite Training Gadget [Accessed 1 June 2022]